【翻譯】Firefighters rescue man trapped in cement hopper

Firefighters rescue man trapped in cement hopper
The man had been stuck inside of a cement hopper for two and a half hours before a crew could extricate him.
Jul 13, 2018
By EMS1 Staff

UNION CITY, Calif. — A firefighter crew rescued a man who had been stuck inside of a cement hopper for two and a half hours.

According to FOX10, Alameda County Fire Department firefighters secured the worker, who fell into the silo after losing his balance while looking inside, with a harness to prevent any further sinking.
根據FOX10, 阿拉米達郡消防局的消防員們使用了安全繩來救援一名在觀看筒倉內不時失去平衡而不甚摔落的勞工,防止他陷入更深。

The worker was also given oxygen as crewmembers drained the cement from the bottom to alleviate the dry cement around him.

"Our biggest concern is to make sure he doesn't get crushed or engulfed with this type of material, we've seen it before with other trench calls. He can continue to sink in," rescue unit Captain Richard Riggs said.
「我們最大的憂慮在於確保他不會被這類型的物質所陷落或埋沒,我們曾經在其他的壕溝任務中看過,他會繼續陷下去。」救助隊長Richard Riggs這麼說。

The man was given water throughout the rescue to keep him hydrated.

"These operations in a confined space pose respiratory challenges to the rescuers with a technical response. Fifty percent of casualties are usually rescuers in a confined space," division chief John Walsh said.
「這些在一個局限空間內的行動對救援者的呼吸是項挑戰,也要做出相對的技術反應。50%的傷亡通常是在侷限空見內的救援者」,John Walsh科長說。

Riggs said the cement is dangerous to work around in a rescue such as this.

"Those of you who have worked around cement, you open a bag, a big poof of dust, it's the same thing in a giant hopper with thousands of pounds of dry cement," he said.

The worker was pulled to safety and was able to stand on his own two feet before getting into an ambulance. He is currently recovering at the hospital in an unknown condition.



