

【翻譯】Firefighters rescue man trapped in cement hopper

Firefighters rescue man trapped in cement hopper 消防員救援一名受困於水泥斗中的 The man had been stuck inside of a cement hopper for two and a half hours before a crew could extricate him. 這名男性在消防隊將他脫困前已經受困於水泥斗中兩個半小時。 Jul 13, 2018 By EMS1 Staff UNION CITY, Calif. — A firefighter crew rescued a man who had been stuck inside of a cement hopper for two and a half hours. 一名消防員營救了一名已受困在水泥斗中兩個半小時的男性。 According to FOX10, Alameda County Fire Department firefighters secured the worker, who fell into the silo after losing his balance while looking inside, with a harness to prevent any further sinking. 根據FOX10,  阿拉米達郡消防局的消防員們使用了安全繩來救援一名 在觀看筒倉內不時失去平衡而不甚摔落的 勞工,防止他陷入更深。 The worker was also given oxygen as crewmembers drained the cement from the bottom to alleviate the dry cement around him. 當其他員工從筒艙底部排除水泥來避免水泥在他周遭硬化的同時, 這名勞工也被給予氧氣。 "Our biggest concern is to make sure he doesn't get crushed or engulfed with this type of material, we've seen it before with other trenc...


原文: http://www.themagicoflife.info/health/you-must-know-the-differences-between-a-heart-attack-cardiac-arrest-and-stroke/ YOU MUST KNOW THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A HEART ATTACK, CARDIAC ARREST AND STROKE 你必須知道心臟病發、心肺衰竭及中風的差異性 These conditions differ in symptoms, background, and severity. It is imperative that you understand the difference between these three conditions, so as to know how to help a patient as well as to avert any of the conditions from becoming more serious. 這些病徵在症狀、背景及嚴重度都有所差異。了解這三者其中的差異是必要的,可讓你了解如何幫助患者且避免這些狀況更佳惡化 Here’s a detailed explanation of each of the conditions: 以下是這三者病徵的詳述: 1.Heart Attack 心臟病發 This refers to a circulation disorder. If your blood flow is blocked or deprived of oxygen, the blood doesn’t reach the heart muscle, and it can kill the organ if not treated promptly.  It is worth noting that the heart is still functioning when one suffers a heart attack. 這和血液循環失調相關。如果你的血流被阻擋或血氧被剝奪,血液則無法順利抵達心肌,若是沒有迅速的治療器官則有可能衰竭。這裡是你需要記得的:當患者心臟...